We offer support and resources for those affected by Sickle Cell Disease.

Alaafia offers specialized Digital Career Training for families affected by Sickle Cell Disease. This initiative is designed to support both individuals with sickle cell and their families, offering them opportunities for professional growth and development.

In addition to career training, Alaafia delivers targeted domestic and sexual violence support services for those living with sickle cell disease, recognizing their unique needs and challenges.

Our organization is committed to increasing awareness about Sickle Cell disorder and its traits, as well as providing education on the condition to foster a deeper understanding in the community.

We also prioritize Mental Health Support tailored specifically for families dealing with sickle cell, acknowledging the psychological impact of the disease.

Lastly, Alaafia actively advocates for improved treatments for those affected by sickle cell disease, striving for advancements in healthcare and support for this community.

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